On Fri, Nov 29, 2002 at 10:39:53PM -0700, C Swanson wrote:
>  I'm wondering if anyone has a way to get the current supposedly 
> stable release of PHP4 (4.1.2-5 from dselect) to work with Apache 
> 1.3.26 on the Alpha platform. I installed from dselect only to have 
> Apache fail to start. Something to do about libmm and not being able to 
> load the module? I am new to this whole Linux thing so any help someone 
> could give to track down this problem would be greatly appreciated.
> If you take out the PHP support Apache runs fine.

Can you please check if you have libnss-db installed and if not, install
this and try to restart apache ? I have exactly the same problem as
you and this "fixed" it. Though I closed my bug it is still there (I
reopen it if I understand what excatly goes bananas).


Helge Kreutzmann, Dipl.-Phys.               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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