[Please, please, please wrap your lines at something sensible] On Wed, Nov 27, 2002 at 04:41:43PM -0800, Fred Sloniker wrote: > Okay, so I went through the twelve-hour download and install without > significant hitches. (A few files had to be retried because my modem > connection dropped a few times during the download.) My problem now > is that, having restarted, I can't seem to get a working modem > connection again. At first, I thought it was a password problem, as > the password in pppconfig had been inexplicably overwritten, but even > when I fixed that, I was able to connect, but not actually do anything > with the connection. (Pings and the like just went to Mars or > something.) I'm using the stable release, and I installed the first > four tasks and the C task. What did I mess up, and how do I fix it?
Check your routing using 'route -n'. You should not have a default route when you're offline, and when you dialup it should be ppp0. > Also, KDE was installed as part of one of the tasks. How do I get it, > or indeed any window manager, to actually go, preferably at bootup? I > don't particularly care for text mode... Install kdm, xdm or gdm and you'll get a graphical login. -rob
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