Andre Douglas said on Friday, 29 November 2002 6:41 PM:

>na I tryed that and it didnt work.
>here is what it says when i log in.
>......a bunch of crap saying ive loged in etc...................
>then if ive gone into user its
>andre2@andre:~$    here i can type commands (andre is my name)
>or if i access root
>andre:~#           here i can type commands
>if i type help it gives me a bunch of usless command that dont do much. Can

>you help me?


Please note - anything you enter in at a terminal (which is where you are)
is not a useless command(s).  If you want windows then go use it, linux has
in depth roots in a unix heritage, and that means learn how to use a command
line.  The command line is very very very powerful, in many ways more
powerful than a gui can ever be.  Learn it, at least the basics.  You don't
have to be a terminal guru, but knowing the basics is part of learning
linux.  May I suggest a trip to the local library/bookstore to grab a book
on linux (I recommend linux for dummies [not the redhat version] by john
maddog hall - it's a good basic read for a newbie without going overly

That bunch of crap that comes up is actually very important.  It is your
system details.  Sure, you don't have to know what it all means, but it's
good to have some idea what it is.  Try entering:

cat dmesg | less 

at the prompt to get a reply of what pops up during booting up.  It doesn't
have absolutely everything that pops up, but most of the relevant stuff.
Your brave for trying Debian GNU linux as a total newbie, but good on you
:-) Welcome to Debian, best linux distribution on the planet.  And the best
user lists group I might add.  


PS I'd suggest that you don't have X working because you did not either
install XFree86, did not configure it properly, did not load a graphical
user interface (kde, gnome) or have not set up drivers for your graphics
card properly yet.

although i am not sure, it seems you want to run X. type startx command
and you should be through.


sandip p deshmukh

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