On Mon, 16 Jun 1997, Hamish Moffatt wrote:

> On Sun, Jun 15, 1997 at 11:24:53AM -0700, Bob Nielsen wrote:
> > If you are using OS/2 Boot Manager, you should NOT select the 'Make the
> > Hard Disk Bootable' option.  Instead you should install LILO on the root
> > partition of your hard disk (the /dev/sdb7 partition should be made
> > bootable, however).
> I thought debian did this anyway, and installed the "mbr"
> program into /dev/hda or /dev/sda instead, which would then
> boot the partition marked active.

Installing on /dev/hda puts it into the MBR of the disk, which would make
LILO the boot manager.  I don't remember the exact wording of the options
on a new Debian install, but I recall that it was clear that you had a
choice of installing into the MBR or the root partition (or possibly not
at all). 


Bob Nielsen                 Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tucson, AZ                  AMPRnet:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                            AX.25:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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