I ran across this message when there was an IRQ conflict.
Try changing the PCI slot of the network card.

Jean Pierre

On Wed, 11 Jun 1997, Zachary DeAquila wrote:

> I just installed debian 1.3 on a new machine.  Config is:
> ppro 200 w/72MB RAM, ET6000 PCI vidcard, 3c509b ethernet
> running default debian kernel with 3c509 module installed.
> The network interface (eth0) gets configured okay... that is,
> it gets the right IP, Broadcast, and Mask, but it won't come
> up. 'ifconfig eth0 up' results in the message 
> 'SIOCSIFFLAGS: Try again'.   Anyone got any ideas?  is this
> a known bug?  I thought the 3com drivers were pretty bug-free...

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