"Anita Chawla Hasija" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi,
>     I am trying to compile a linux driver module out of your rtl8139.c =
> source for my rtl8139 based cardbus NIC, but cannot succeed.
>           The compile fails and giving error "pcmcia/driver_ops.h : no =
> such file or directory. " I am working on slackware linux 2.0.30.I tried =
> to find out this file , but I didn't get the file.
> Kindly suggest me what should I do.

    I suggest building a new kernel and enable the rtl8139 driver as a

    From what you said, it sounds as though you do not have a
gnu/debian distribution installed, which would make my suggestion of
installing "kernel-package" of no effect.

    So, I suggest you download the latest kernel from:


and then build it. Here is a HOWTO that should help:



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