Leslie Mikesell ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: > > This is EXACTLY the environment that UUCP was designed to operate in.  
: > 
: > My apologies then. Now it seems to me this was a dumb question :-)
: > 
: > I'll start digging in how to configure my Debian boxes and sendmail
: > to do the trick.
: But times have changed a lot since the days when the only way (for normal
: people) to connect machines was a direct modem link. You may want to
: keep at least one machine somewhere with a full-time internet link
: so you can accept smtp from the rest of the world (or use someone's
: service for this).  If you have that, you may want your remote machines
: to dial up a local internet provider and do uucp over tcp to pick up
: their batched mail instead of making long distance calls directly to
: the other machines.  It is a bit more complicated to set this up but
: you can also use it for other internet activity.

Right, the Debian box at the main office is full time connected to the
Internete. I want to do what you are saying: have this main server accepting
e-mail from the world to users in my UUCP domains and transfer them to
the remote servers when the UUCP link starts. This sounds like an interesting
exercise although I am a little bit scared of touching sendmail and bind
to do the trick.




Eloy A. Paris
Information Technology Department
Rockwell Automation de Venezuela
Telephone: +58-2-9432311 Fax: +58-2-9430323

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