> Okay, its been a while since Ive done these, so bear with me.  How do I do
> quotas?
> I have compiled the kernel for quota support. 
> I have run quotacheck for the required filesystem (/home)
> Now, if I remember correctly I have to modify the fstab for the /home
> entry and add a -a (?) to the option line?  Is this correct, or I have i
> missed something?  Thanks.

This is my fstab, for home:
#<file system>  <mount point>   <type>  <options>        <dump> <pass>
/dev/sdb1      /home           ext2    defaults,usrquota    0      1

I only have user quota turned on, but group quotas can be added under
"options" also.  I hope this helps you out.


+ dpk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                      + work : 517.353.8892 +  
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