At 03:45 AM 6/10/97 -0500, Rob Browning wrote: >Johann Spies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > >> I know ftp reget can resume an interrupted download of a large file. How >> do you do it from a http-site? > >I think, but I'm not sure, that wget will do what you want. See "man >wget" for more details.
http is a stateless protocol whereas ftp does maintain state. It's hard to deal with an interruptted transfer without state. This is similar to what NFS does to maintain a connection in the face of the server, say, rebooting. While not completely inconceivable to maintain state with http, which is what cookies do, this would be difficult. There is in HTTP 1.1 a provision for a persistent connection, which does have support for interrupted responses. Apache 1.2b10 is HTTP 1.1 compliant, though I can't speak to how well it handles this provision. I believe the 3.0 versions of Netscape and Explorer are HTTP 1.1, but I can't vouch for that. -- Dirk Herr-Hoyman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> DANEnet, Connecting Dane County's Communities -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .