For those of you following this here is an update. It appears to be some sort of name lookup failure. I can't figure it out. When I try and print with lpr it fails with the error given in the subject. This turns out is just an indicator of something else. I have a stand alone machine that I dial in to my isp and run slirp to emulate ppp. So, I have given my machine a bogus name of servis.snet. Before I upgraded to 1.3 I could ping, finger, telnet, etc to servis.snet. Now nothing seems to be able to figure out what servis.snet is. My conf files are:
/etc/hostname servis /etc/hosts localhost loopback servis.snet servis /etc/resolv.conf domain snet search snet nameserver nameserver nameserver /etc/host.conf order hosts,bind multi on /etc/init.d/network ifconfig lo route add -net I don't know if named should be running or not. If I start it with the default config it tries to reach in /var/named/named.root and fails because I am not connected. If I start named when I have connected with ppp programs still do not resolve what servis.snet is and give hostname failures. When I issue 'hostname' it returns 'servis' but if I call host name with any commandline options it gives 'hostname: Unknown host' error. PLEASE HELP ME FIGURE THIS OUT, EVEN IF IT IS TRIVIAL! Thanks in advance, Brian -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .