I just do: 8<----------------------------------------------------------------->8 ~ # pwd /root ~ # ln -s /home/karlheg/.Xauthority . 8<----------------------------------------------------------------->8
I've also got "~karlheg/.emacs" and several other files like it symlinked in the same way for 'root'. I always use the computer logged in as myself, from XDM, and have entries in "/etc/super.tab" (man super) like this: 8<----------------------------------------------------------------->8 xemacs /usr/local/bin/xemacs karlheg @localhost \ setenv="DISPLAY=unix:0" \ setenv="PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/lib/texmf/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/games" \ password=n \ uid=root gid=root\ info="XEmacs editor as 'root'" tkps /usr/bin/X11/tkps karlheg @localhost \ setenv="DISPLAY=unix:0" \ setenv="PATH=/usr/bin:/bin" \ password=n \ uid=root gid=root \ info="TkPs process table tool; X-Windows Tk interface" gitps /usr/bin/gitps karlheg @localhost \ setenv="PATH=/usr/bin:/bin" \ password=n \ uid=root gid=root \ info="gitps process table tool; Console ncurses interface" xterm /usr/X11R6/bin/xterm karlheg @localhost \ setenv="DISPLAY=unix:0" \ setenv="PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/lib/texmf/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/games:/usr/bin/X11" \ password=n \ uid=root gid=root \ info="XTerm" 8<----------------------------------------------------------------->8 ... And I have menu entries on my Fvwm2 menu that `exec super xterm` and `exec super xemacs`, so that I can fire off an xterm or xemacs and be 'root' anytime I need to. In my "/usr/local/lib/xemacs-20.2/lisp/site-start.el" file, I have this: 8<----------------------------------------------------------------->8 ;; FSF Emacs has this function already; no defalias needed. (defalias 'shell-command-to-string 'exec-to-string) (let ((string (shell-command-to-string "whoami"))) (setq logname (substring string 0 (1- (length string))))) 8<----------------------------------------------------------------->8 ... and then, from the XEmacs customize menu (Options|Customize|Variable...), I made the titlebar string be: '(frame-title-format (quote ("" logname (":%b"))) t) Since "~/.emacs", as root, is a symlink to "~karlheg/.emacs", I get the same setting as either user... but a `super xemacs` will say 'root:filename' in the titlebar, and a normal one will say 'karlheg:filename'. I have my "~karlheg" directory SGID, so that if 'root' makes any changes to the ".emacs", 'karlheg' will still be able to write to the file. In "/etc/profile", I have this: 8<----------------------------------------------------------------->8 # Display the status of the last command if non-zero status_after_prompt() { prompt_status=$? if [ $prompt_status != 0 ] then echo "[status $prompt_status]" fi } export -f status_after_prompt export PROMPT_COMMAND=status_after_prompt # Set the titlebar of XTerms to reflect our current working directory. if [ $TERM == emacs ] then export PS1='\w\n\$ ' elif [ "$TERM" = "xterm" -o "$TERM" = "xterm-color" ] then # There are real control chars here. set_titlebar () { echo -n "]2;$*"; } export -f set_titlebar my_dirname () { if [ "${PWD#$HOME}" != "$PWD" ] then echo '~'${PWD#$HOME} else echo $PWD fi } export -f my_dirname export PS1='\n\!\$ ' PROMPT_COMMAND=$PROMPT_COMMAND';eval set_titlebar "[EMAIL PROTECTED]:$(my_dirname)"' export PROMPT_COMMAND else export PS1='[EMAIL PROTECTED]:\w\n\!\$ ' fi # this is a beat-the-television style kludge to get color working right. if [ "$TERM" = "xterm" ] then export TERM="xterm-color" tset 2> /dev/null fi 8<----------------------------------------------------------------->8 ... and now xterms have the titlebar set in the similar fashion; and I can tell by looking whether it's a `super xterm` or a normal one. Get all that? :-) -- Karl M. Hegbloom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://www.inetarena.com/~karlheg Portland, OR USA Debian GNU 1.2 Linux 2.1.36 AMD K5 PR-133 -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .