On Mon, 2 Jun 1997, Alexander Stavitsky wrote:

> Dselect in that respect works fine for me. I am however upset with dselect
> when using cdrom/mounted access methods. In those cases dselect does want
> to see all of the packages mentioned in Packages file present. Even those
> that you've chosen not to install. It also ignored symlinks across
> filesystems. 

I agree with you that it is a bit irretating that deselect scans for ALL
pakages ... I can see that it's done for consistency reasons, BUT it would
be great if there was a switch to turn this off.

Symlinks I have had NO problems with. I have a set of deb-packages on 
a zipdrive which I mount as vfat on /zipdrv and have a symlink to
/zipdrv/debpack from /usr/local/ ... It works just great!

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