On Sun, 1 Jun 1997, Matt Bartley wrote:

> The xoj package also no longer exists in bo/binary/games, though the
> Contents file for bo still shows it.  There is a version of xoj in
> unstable/binary/games/xoj_1.01-2.deb, but it depends on libc6 so it
> can only be used on an hamm system.  Why did the libc5 dependent
> version disappear from bo?

1.01-1 was buggy.  1.01-2 was uploaded to bo, but maybe was taken off
because of libc6 dependence.

Vadik, xoj maintainer.

Vadim Vygonets * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * Unix admin
The fish doesn't think, because the fish knows...  everything.
        -- Arizona Dream

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