On Thu, 29 May 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> On Mon, 26 May 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>>> Everytime I attempt to run some utilities (gs4.03, tmview, etc.) I get a 
>>>> segfault with signal 11. I have no idea what this means and I'm 
>>> signal 11 is segmentatio fault, i.e. yor CPU tried to access an invalid 
>>> address.
>>> Usually this means that:
>>> a. the program you run is buggy and addresses wrong places in memory
>>> b. your hardware is broken (most of the time, a SIMM, a Mboard socket, ..)
>>> Since many other persons run gs, it should not be answer a. You can try to 
>>> test
>> As you say, since gs, et al. all work for other people it's not likely to 
>> be buggy app software. 
>>> your hardware, for ex. switching SIMMs or pulling them out one at a time 
>>> and see
>>> if it segfaults again.
>> I'm almost certain that the hardware is fine. Every single other program 
>> has zero trouble with it and there are even some SVGAlib using programs 
>> that work fine (zgv and lockvc being the examples). I'm still very puzzled...
>Sorry I can't be much help.
>When you say hardware is OK, listen to this story. I've never had problem with
>my PC, but when I tried (one day) to compile samba, I got stuck with strange
>syntactic errors and then my PC hung. I tested it extensively, never found
>anything wrong. Last year I changed MB and Processor. Now I can compile samba
>with no trouble at all.
>Makes you think ..

Hmmm.... I guess it would be worth tinkering with the insides (unless 
anybody else has a better solution). Thanks for trying :)

Dan (big)

[EMAIL PROTECTED]       "Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers"

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