On Mon, 26 May 1997, Carlo U. Segre wrote:

> This is correct except for 2 specific upgrades which will require manual
> intervention.  I am not sure what the plan is for the final upgrade
> instructions but this is what I had to do.
> The first is the removal of the 'modules' package and the installation of
> the replacement 'modutils' package.  In order to remove the old 'modules'
> package, it will be necessary to recompile the kernel (get the source
> package and the 'make-kpkg' package for this) WITHOUT module support.
> This means that as you do the confuguration of the kernel, you will have
> to compile in all the important drivers or else you will not have them.
> Once the new kernel is installed, you can reboot and proceed to dselect.
> NOTE:  I consider this a serious flaw in the upgrade process, since it
> requires someone to know how to compile a kernel to do it.  It might be
> bette to provide a kernel-image package just for this purpose and then
> another for after the upgrade is finished.
> The second is the replacement of TeX in the 1.2 version with the new teTeX
> distribution.  The new distribution WILL not install unless you have
> manually removed all of the packages pertaining to the old Tex
> distribution.  Fortunately, the scripts tell you what to do and what must
> be removed using the 'dpkg' command.  Unfortunately, I have encountered
> cases where is is not trivial to force the removal of the old packages.  I
> have had to go  in and modify the latex.prerm script.  This is again
> something that an inexperienced installer would have difficulty figuring
> out alone.  I do not know if this is because I had a relatively old
> installation so I have not reported it as a bug.  I will be doing further
> installations and upgrades soon so I will try to see if this is a
> consistent problem.
The above two problems are no longer current problems with the 1.3
distribution. Both modutils and the new tetex packages install without
problems. The tetex package will require the old tex packages to be purged
before it can be installed (this is not an upgrade in the usual sense).
Modutils upgrades just fine now.


_-_-_-_-_-_-                                          _-_-_-_-_-_-_-

aka   Dale Scheetz                   Phone:   1 (904) 656-9769
      Flexible Software              11000 McCrackin Road
      e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Tallahassee, FL  32308

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