Jim Pick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> He probably didn't choose to replace /etc/init.d/boot when asked.  It's
> a conffile - we really need to improve the way conffiles are handled,
> I think.

One suggestion: give an option to show a
 diff -c2 old-conf-file new-conf-file |more
command before any decision.

Some problems like: "I would like to get this piece of code but not that
piece" remain unsolved.  Something like ediff-mode in emacs would be the
ideal solution, IMO. The problem is that emacs is too heavy to be started in a
configuration process and large enough to be required for other installations.
If only jed had an ediff-mode... Perhaps something could be writen in perl.

Alair Pereira do Lago  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://www.ime.usp.br/~alair>
Computer Science Department -- Universidade de S~ao Paulo -- Brazil

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