On Mon, 26 May 1997, Brian Candler wrote:

> I am trying to install Debian-1.2.10 and the kernel freezes during bootup at
> the following point:
> [my BusLogic KT445C host adaptor is detected successfully as scsi0]
> Ux4F0: address 0x330 in use, skipping probe.
> NCR53c406a: no available ports found
> qlogicisp : PCI bios not present
> eata_dma: No BIOS32 extensions present. This driver release still depends on 
> it
> o  Skipping scan for PCI HBAs
> That's as far as it gets. This happens whether I just hit Enter at the boot:
> prompt, or if I type "linux ether=10,0x300,eth0". I have made two boot disks
> on brand new floppies and get the same behaviour.
> Here is a summary of my hardware:
> * BioStar VLB motherboard, 486DX2/66, 16MB RAM
> * BusLogic KT445C VLB SCSI card (io=0x330, irq=11, dma=7); Ricoh CD-R drive
> * ET4000 VLB video
> * Promise VLB EIDE controller, Fujitsu 2.5GB IDE drive, fd0 is 1.44MB
> * Soundblaster-16 (io=0x220, irq=7, dma=1/5) with sbpcd CD-ROM (io=0x230)
> * 3com 3C509 (io=0x300, irq=10)

I have encountered this problem a number of times with 486 motherboards.
The problem for me has been the ethernet card.  If I pulled it out the
boot continued properly.  In my case, I needed to have the ehternet card
in order to complete the NFS install so I had to workaround by compiling a
kernel with the ethernet drivers included rather than loaded as modules.
Then, I had to play around with the ethernet card I/O address in some
cases.  Anyway, since you have a CDROM version, I would suggest that you
remove the ethernet and sound cards and see if the installation can be
done.  Then you can build some custom kernels and try reinstalling the
cards to see if the hangups are avoided.

One other point that comes to mind looking at your list above.  Most
Soundblasters use 2 interrupts for the sound and perhaps another for the
CDROM.  You list only one and the others might be sitting at 10 and
preventing you from getting past the boot sequence.  Try removing the
sound card first.

Hope this helps,


    *                            Carlo U. Segre                           *
    *      Department of Biological, Chemical and Physical Sciences       *
    *        Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL 60616          *
    *   Voice: (312) 567-3498                      FAX: (312) 567-3494    *
    *                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]                            *

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