On Fri, 23 May 1997, Nathan E Norman wrote:

> The wu-ftpd man page has some excellent advice on these questions.

Hmm, well I wasn't exactly looking for advice, but thanks for
directing me to the man page.  (blush)  Anyway, I created the
directories and gave them permissions as they had under Slackware.
But I'll print out the man page so that I can see how well it conforms
to wu-ftpd's recommendations.  ;)

> Yes, the Slackware version is statically linked.  If you look, the
> debian version puts copies of the required lib*.so files in the
> directory "lib".

Well, since it configures things so that anonymous has the run of the
filesystem (a bad idea, IMNSHO), it wasn't obvious to me that the
files I need are there.  So if I want to set things up in a /home/ftp
(chroot'd) type of way, would I need all the lib*.so files in order to
run the dynamically-linked ls, or just certain ones?  Or would you
recommend just taking the old statically-linked ls, since it appears
to work fine?

> I'm trying to recall how wu-ftpd installed on my system ... I believe I
> was prompted about the anonymous account by the standard ftp package (in
> netstd).  Regardless, you should edit the passwd and group files by
> hand, as you can avoid giving away more info then you want to that way.

Hmm, I don't recall being prompted for that, but since it doesn't
appear to have made a separate ftp hierarchy and configured it for
such, my comments still apply.  Would I e-mail the package maintainer
with comments like this, or what?

> I'm at a loss to explain why your install didn't go so well ... did you
> install over Slackware?

Nope.  A fresh install on a virgin hard drive.  :)

> I hate to say "RTFM", but wu-ftpd comes with excellent documentation ...
> I've never had any problems with it to date.

Thanks.  I haven't had problems with wu-ftpd -- just with the Debian
package thereof.  (grin&shrug)


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