
I installed NIS on a Debian server and I'm trying to set up another
Debian as a NIS client (latest Debian versions from the unstable tree).
In the latter, I added the line "+:::" to the /etc/group file and the
line "+" to /etc/aliases. Then, I started the ypbind daemon.

In the client machine, if I give the command "ypcat group" I can see the
groups defined in the server. However, the "system utilities" can't see
those groups. By this I mean, an "ls -l" just reports the GID of the
files as numbers, not names, the "chgrp" command doesn't recognize the
NIS server's groups, etc. Also, smail doesn't see the aliases file even
though the "ypcat aliases" command shows the right content.

The password file however seems to be recognized. I can login on the
client machine using the users defined in the master. If you have an
idea of what I may be missing please drop me a note.

Thank you,

Pedro I. Sanchez

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