On Wed, 27 Nov 2002 07:00:21 +0000, Chris Lale

>Pigeon wrote:
>> Read the line in my original post immediately after "every time it
>> logs on"... :-)
>> Thanks, anyway!
>Sorry! I had deleted previous messages in the thread before your post 
>caught my eye.
>Here's a solution you may not like! If all else fails, connect to 
>ukonline using Windows using their CD/helpline. Then copy the settings 
>from dialup networking.

Tee hee... that's how I connect to them at the moment!
My hardware modem is a recent acquisition. Before that I was using GSM
which dictated Windoze. And before that I had no modem at all and had
to borrow someone else's Windoze box.

It does seem to be the case that pppconfig has created the same
settings for Linux as dialup networking has for Windoze. In both,
dynamic DNS is set.

I can set dynamic DNS in dialup networking and it works, but in
pppconfig, it doesn't. And Windoze being what it is, that "Server
Types" tab is all you get. There's no human-readable file behind it
somewhere to pull extra settings out of.

Now, I can surf with waitrose (static), but not ukonline (dynamic); if
I retrieve the IP address of a page while in waitrose, then kill
waitrose and bring up ukonline, I can read the page, so most of it's
working, just the dynamic DNS is dead.

And I can't get mail in either of them because of some obscure borked
file that means mail software can't get the user names root and pigeon
relating to userids 0 and 1000 - not /etc/passwd or /etc/shadow,
something more cryptic - so none of it will run. In fact, this is
probably more of a problem, because I can retrieve ukonline email via

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