> I assume you tried building it from the debian sources? ie. postgres95
> 1.09? I have looked at your make-output, and am puzzled. I have build
> postgres95 version 1.08, 1.09 6.0 and 6.1beta several times on my system
> from the original sources, and never had any problems, certainly not like
> these. The only thing I consistently have to change is removing linking
> with -ltermcap in src/bin/psql/Makefile (Postgres thinks that all
> linux-systems have libtermcap...).
I'll try...

> My guess is that the debian-sources are screwed up. Try grabbing a .tgz
> from ftp.postgresql.org....
> Maarten

... And I was actually lookin on a Debian mirror for the source tree NOW:
the same as on the CD where I had it already. So *THANKS A LOT* to you
too, I'll take the source from ftp.postgresql.org. 

     Nicola Bernardelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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