I just did an install of frozen/bo the other day, and noticed a couple
of small gotchas ...

The disk images still aren't on the mirror (debian.crosslink.net) so I
had to use the ones from greenbush.

The packages list under bo/binary-i386 has an entry for :


which doesn't exist.  Taking a look in the packages list under
unstable/hamm I see an entry for :


which also doesn't exist.  In fact, the only cpp package I can find :


The crux of all this is that the install fails because netstd can't
configure without the cpp package.  Once I manually installed the
-4.deb version, it was able to finish.

I have the sneaking suspicion I'm missing something here, not doing
"the right thing" for the frozen install.

Dean Carpenter          [EMAIL PROTECTED]       94TT :)
Areyes, Inc.

"No matter where you go, there you are"  sayeth Buckaroo                        
                                         across the Eighth Dimension

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