> From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Tue Apr 29 16:43:06 1997
> X-ApparentlyTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Date: Mon, 28 Apr 1997 19:27:13 -0200 (GMT+2)
> From: Nicola Bernardelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Nicola Bernardelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:   Brian Skreeg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> cc:   Debian List <debian-user@lists.debian.org>
> Subject: Re: Amiga Filesystem mounting bother.
> In-Reply-To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> X-UIDL: 179f80f31b22629d9ef130200f90548d

>      I couldn't try anything with FFS yet (anything but some floppies I
> could not mount, see my question below), but I think there is a chance
> that you should try mounting each single partition on a single mount
> point, as you do with any partitioned disk, that is: NOT /dev/hdd but
> /dev/hdd1, /dev/hdd2, /dev/hdd3, /dev/hdd4. 

Nope, the problem is definitely the kernel not recognising the partition
table on bootup. So god knows whats wrong. I`m gonna rip the drive out,
shove it back in the miggie and analyse the drive with reorg. Possibly
the old AFS filesystem I was using on a couple of partitions has rearranged
the parition table.

>      QUESTION: which filesystem is on Amiga FLOPPIES?
>      Now your question made me curious and I tried mounting some Amiga 600
> floppies, say just the Workbench ones and not games, to be sure not to be
> dealing with strange filesystems. (Actually, I have a communication
> package for Amiga here on the PC, I got it from a BBS, and it would be
> nice to give it to my brother's Amiga just via floppy.) I tried both the
> following:
>      mount -t affs /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
>      mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy

Amiga formatted floppy disks (ffs for an A600) cannot be read by any
machine other than an Amiga without some extra hardware. This is due
to an inferiority in PC floppy controllers. ;)

>      Actually, the affs filesystem support here is currently configured as
> a module, but this works quite fine for hpfs and msdos (and a lot of other
> things such as PPP). Just to be sure, after I send this message I
> immediately try rebuilding the kernel with affs support 'Y' and not just
> 'M'odule. But the answer is probably that floppies do have another kind of
> filesystem and you won't see any appendix to this message with "it works" 
> inside. 

   __ _ _                
  /  \ \ \ 
 / / / / / |-Brian Skreeg--------IRC:_Ozzy-|
 \__/  \ \ |-Lead guitarist extraordinaire-|
    \__/_/ |-I don't look like two zombies-|

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