You have to modify the access.conf file in respect to the cgi-bin
directory and uncomment/add follow symlinks option for the directory.

Hope this helps.

On 1 May 1997, R. Chris Ross wrote:

>      I have installed apache web server with cgi and the caned cgi 
> scripts to try it out.  It seamed obvious to also try man2html and 
> info2www.  The scripts that are in the cgi-bin directory off of the 
> document root run fine.  When simlinks to man2html and info2www are 
> made an error is returned stating that permission is denied.  The 
> permissions are set to 755 on
> /usr/lib/httpd/cgi-bin
> /usr/lib/cgi-bin 
> /usr/lib/httpd/cgi-bin/info2www
> /usr/lib/cgi-bin/man2html
>   If man2html is moved into cgi-bin off the document root it runs but 
> can't create the html that it needs to.  I am a little confused about 
> what permissions need to be set.  Can someone help?
> --
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