Hi, I have investigate my lsof problem a bit further. Just to remind the problem. When I run lsof -i nothing comes up . When I run lsof the network connections come up but instead of getting the normal output with address and the rest I only get sock in the fifith column and nothing from there on. the manual says that the type is sock when it refers to a socket with unknown domain. What program and why can't figure out the domain ? My syslog gives me infomration on net connections so the computer obviously knows. By the way I checked my System.map file it is where all the other system.maps are . I run kernel 2.0.30. I would appreciate any help. Thanks George
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- George Kapetanios Churchill College Cambridge, CB3 0DS E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] U.K. WWW: http://garfield.chu.cam.ac.uk/~gk205/work_info.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .