> previously, dvips gave me ps file with page numbering and I can
> go to a particular page using ghostview or gv.
> after I installed tetex and found that the ps file no more numbered
> and I can only press <Page Down> in gv, can't get back.
> Is there any magic to make tetex's dvips number the ps file?

Well, I've still got the old latex packagres installed, but
just reading the docs, could you try:
  dvips -N0 myfile.dvi 

-N turns structuring commands off (and I'm hoping the page numbers
are part of the document structuring), while -N0 should undo that
again (turning it on).

Of cource I could not test it.
Still, I think it's a bug in the tetex packages, if true.

joost witteveen, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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