I can't answer all the question, but I'll do my best.

On Mon, 28 Apr 1997, Willi Schiegel wrote:

> Hello,
> o.k., I have to give up (sigh!) and ask some more experienced debianers.
> I changed my distribution from SuSE to Debian and there are some
> problems I can't cope with.
> When I try to run Knews or pine I get the messages 
> "Incomplete mail domain" (pine) and
> "Couldn't determine domain name. POsting will not be possible."
Pine wants to see your entire name in /etc/hosts : 
#file /etc/hosts       localhost
123.45.678.123  daddel.zedat.fu-berlin.de daddel other_alias
# and not :
# 123.45.678.123     daddel ...

The first name must be the complete internet name.
This is perhaps important for other programs, too.
My latest installation did this correctly, though

I skip some questions for which I have no clues

> Another question is: Where can I change the character set from
> US-Ascii to iso-8859-1?
The character set for the console was configured at install time.
But try kbdconfig (No manpage !), it proposes a de.map
To make the programms use it,
set your environment variable LANG to de_DE
You will even get some error messages an man pages 'auf Deutsch'
or just LC_CTYPES to de_DE , to keep english messages.
(The doc for that is rather obsolete, (man locale) )

Now you have a decent character set for progs (but not the shell ?)
Execpt emacs, that don't follow the rules, as ever.
I simply put a 
;; Use european character set
(standard-display-european 1 )

in my .emacs

> Thanks a lot.
De nada
> ---------------------------
> Willi Schiegel
> ---------------------------


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