> I take it your logging into this box via a serial port? > I believe that's the cause of it - Consoles and telnet > logins appear fine for me. > > -- > Karl Ferguson
Here's how it hits my machine (kernel: 2.0.30) I login to vt1 (alt F1), do a 'finger': I'm logged on. I login to vt2 (alt F2), do a 'finger': I'm logged twice. I logout vt1, do a 'finger': nobody logged on. I do this on vt2. Downgrade (pkg: sysvinit) fixes all syptoms, upon cold boot. I never restore corrupt files, because I can't see any corruption once I downgrade. Note there's no direct involvment with mgetty, though it is running in the background; I don't get many inbound calls. I only have two gettys acquiring terminals (on vt1 and vt2); to gain a 3rd, 4th terminal I use /bin/open. -- Christopher W. Hafey (1:142/540) ------------------------------------------------------------- [EMAIL PROTECTED] | 1078 New Britain Ave Apt 217 WA1TNR since 1974 | W Hartford Ct USA 06110-2434 http://www.tingri.ml.org | tel. 860-236-5400 ------------------------------------------------------------- -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .