On Fri, 25 Apr 1997, Eugene Sevinian wrote:

> I am trying to compile new kernel (2.0.27) to use with loadlin from w95.
> It seems that some things are working but some are not. 
> Here is some of the  bootup messages captured manualy. (I did not find it
> in the /var/log/messages. Why?)
> -------------------
> Loading modules: vfat Initialization of vfat failed
> sambfs: Initialization of vfat failed
> 3c503 dev_tint: wrong version or undefined
> dev_ffree_skb: wrong version or undefined
> dev_alloc_skb: wrong version or undefined
> eth_type_trans: wrong version or undefined
> netif_rx: wrong version or undefined
> ether_setup: wrong version or undefined
> Loading failed! The module symbols (from linux-2.0.27)
> don't match your linux-2.0.27
> 8390: No such file or directory.
> ---------------------
It seems you have recompiled the modules to otherwise you should
run "make modules" and "make modules_install". And don't forget
to run "depmod -a" once you have installed the modules. 

Hope this helps
+- Fredrik Ax -+------ Snailmail ------+-- Where to reach me on the net -+
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