In your email to me, Kevin Traas, you wrote:
> I've no idea if this is might be documented somewhere.  If so, please point
> me to the right FM to RTFM.... <grin>  Thanks.
> I would like to offer both normal terminal and PPP connections on my
> dial-in modems for my end-users.  If possible, I'd like it to be as
> automated as possible - i.e. No user intervention.  
> Is this possible?  If so, any suggestions, etc.?

IT's very possible, and also very easy. Take a look at at the mgetty page..


PS: mgetty is a debian package.

                          Madness takes its toll...
                          Please have exact change!
** Disclaimer: My views/comments/beliefs, as strange as they are, are my own.**

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