Ahem... could all further users please not "reply-to-all" in further
replies to Karl's message?  He put all the staff members at Internet
Arena in the CC field ( although only a few are members of PLUG ) and
we've been recieving replies we don't always need.  I think only three
of us are subscribed to plug, and one to debian-user.  

Hopefully nobody over here sent this message already and I missed it... 
I'd feel REALLY stupid then :-D  As much as I am interested in Karl's
finds, it can tend to be excessive when there's so much e-mail to answer
in limited time, with schoolwork and all.  Hope I'm not angering anyone
by asking this.

My thanks in advance,

Ryan J. Myers ( Webmaster )         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Portland, Oregon ( US )       http://www.inetarena.com/~rmyers/    
"Nolite tes bastardes carborundum." - Margaret Atwood 
"C> REALITY.SYS is corrupt, reboot universe? (Y|N)" - Anonymous
The contents of this email are my own opinions ( read: insane rants )
and do not represent the positions of my employers, their subsidiaries,
or the little green men that have been following me around all day.

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