I have trouble geting linux to understand my keyboard. I want to map a
swedish keyboard. I get the impression that the swedish map in the
base installation pack should be enough but its not. It's almost
working so far I miss only three characters.

if you can read mime this is the characters I miss åäö ÅÄÖ.

If i run 'showkeys' i get keycode 26,39 and 40. This should be
mapped  like.
26 = å
39 = ö
40 = ä

This relevant lines(many removed) is output by "loadkeys -c -v
test.map" when test.map is a copy of the defaultmap loaded in boot
keycode 26, table 0 = 229
keycode 26, table 1 = 197
keycode 26, table 4 = 27
keycode 26, table 8 = 2139
keycode 39, table 0 = 246
keycode 39, table 1 = 214
keycode 39, table 8 = 2107
keycode 40, table 0 = 228
keycode 40, table 1 = 196
keycode 40, table 4 = 7
keycode 40, table 8 = 2087

the strange thing is that i dont get any output at all from the keys
 26,39,40. What could be wrong here??

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