At 03:44 PM 1/04/97 -0500, Colin Telmer wrote: >-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- > >At the moment remote users who finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] are >told that I have no plan. However if I finger telmerco while logged onto >terrapin, I get to see my .plan (pgp key). I recall fiddling with cfingerd >and noticing that you could restrict remote users but cannot find any >documentation on allowing remote users with netstd's fingerd. Any ideas?
The finger daemon runs as user nobody and as such it must be publically accessable. Make your home directory chmod'd 711 and your .plan 644 - should work fine - ie: drwx--x--x 23 karl staff 2048 Mar 31 19:31 /home/karl -rw-r--r-- 1 karl staff 364 Aug 4 1996 /home/karl/.plan Regards -- Karl Ferguson Tower Networking Pty Ltd Tel: +61-9-456-0000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] t/a STAR Online Services Fax: +61-9-455-2776 [EMAIL PROTECTED]