In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
   Jörg Johannes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> For my documents, I have to use both LaTeX and pdfLaTeX.

Me too.

> The problem I  have is, pdflatex does not (at least per default)
> understand .eps and  .ps files. So I have to convert my .eps figures
> from gnuplot into .png  for pdflatex in order to use them.

Why do you want to convert them to PNG? The quality would be quite bad.
You should convert the EPS files to PDF with epstopdf, and PS files to
PDF with ps2pdf.

I've also tried converting the PS file generated by latex + dvips with
ps2pdf, but the quality of small fonts is very bad (though I can zoom
without any problem). dvipdf merely calls ps2pdf, so this is no better.
dvipdfm gives documents with good quality, but there are problems with
the fonts: some characters like « and » (used in French) are replaced
by other characters. So, the only solution is to use pdflatex after
some conversions.

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