I am still having some interesting problems trying to test cgi
programs on my Linux box before moving them up to my ISP.

The latest case is rather the reverse:  I have a cgi-bin program
that calls the "cgrep" program in the O'reilly book "Programming
Perl".  cgrep prints a few lines of the text surrounding a target.

The scrip on my ISP runs fine.  Trying to run it on my Linux box
gives no apparent output when calling from the web browser.  If i
just run the cgi script from the command line, the script works 
as expected.  I suspect the problem may be that the httpd cannot
execute the cgrep program.  Any ideas how to figure what is
going on?


Ken Gaugler  
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  URL: http://www.wco.com/~keng
"The life of a Repo Man is always INTENSE..."

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