Indus wrote: > > I am new to Linux and I have just tried to install the system onto a 386 > DX20 laptop with 8mb of ram. When I try running VIM, I get an error message > saying that it needs the '' library. Where can I get this ? > > Eamonn >
Hi Eamonn, you have to add the following to the file /etc/ /usr/X11R6/lib Since you don't have an running editor, you can do this as follows (become root user): # cd /etc # echo "/usr/X11R6/lib" >> # ldconfig -v Now the vim (and other editors) should work. If not, let me know. BTW, this is a known bug in the Debian destribution. When this will be solved? -- Karlheinz Nolte, VS/ETB5, ALCATEL SEL AG D-70430 Stuttgart, Germany Tel.: +49-711-821-41834 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]