Ioannis Tambouras wrote: > > After analyzing the data, I conclude that we theoretically have > a chance to beat linuxnet. > > Our speed has droped 25% compared with yesterday. Linuxnet is running > at four times our present speed. Today I received about six personals > from debian users asking about the ftp site, or with other rc5-race questions. > I think we do have a decent chance, once we get to position #2 (in about > ten days) then we can take another look at our strength. > > Is the rc5-race package out yet? Four people have requested it since > yesterday! It is already a popular item, and ideally (and if it is possible) > it should come with a crontab job to upload the result and get a new keyspace. > I tell you, we could *easily* compete with linuxnet in two weeks. > > Ioannis Tambouras > [EMAIL PROTECTED], West Palm Beach, Florida > Signed pgp-key on key server. >
I started up the client on 4 machines (soon to be five) today. One P100, one HP 715/64, and two P75's. I'll start my P133 machine I'm writing from to run overnight. Hey Bruce, I don't suppose you've got any SGIs over at Pixar that could spare a few cycles, huh? -- Jens B. Jorgensen [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]