Karl M. Hegbloom wrote:

Hi Karl, Thanks for your reply, 
>  Is the 'lpd' running?  Maybe you need to 'rm' the S symlink to the
> 'lpd' startup script in '/etc/rcX.d' for the runlevel you are in, so
> that the line printer daemon never gets fired off?
> --

Many solutions were suggested, and as it turns out all of them where
Yes, I had old print jobs waiting in the queue; yes I had a symlink
in /etc/rc2.d to the lpd script, and yes, /etc/modules was loading the
lp module for some reason...

All is now as it should be! Many thanks to all. 
By the way, the athmosphere on this list is truly a breath of fresh air.
Very little noise, and lots of extremely useful feedback. I have moved
Redhat (a fine product, to be sure, but the list is Babel with a
vengeance) in December, and in the last few weeks have been an
interested reader of the exchanges here.
Always extremely relaxed and positive. Most enjoyable!

Alain Nadeau                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Medieval Studies Institute, 
University of Fribourg, Switzerland

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