> On Fri, 17 Jan 1997, Victor Torrico wrote:
> > When making a kernel 2.0.27 I do the following:
> > 
> > make mrproper
> > make config
> > make dep
> > make clean
> > make zImage
> > make modules
> > make modules_install
> > make install
> > 
> > The "make install" is not documented in the "/usr/src/linux" directory
> > as far as I know but when it is used it seems to put everything from the
> > new kernel where it belongs properly in the "/boot" directory and lets
> > you update lilo as well. I just tried doing this for the hell of it and
> > it seems to work very well. 
> Ah-hah!  Finally, what seems to be a simple sequence of commands for
> building a new kernel.  But what must I do to ensure that my old kernel
> will continue to work (with its modules), especially if lilo wants to
> complain that the new kernel is too large?  I assume that certain files
> and directories ought to be backed up or renamed or something, but some
> pointers to "safe" kernel testing would be very helpful!

What I do when I want to upgrade my kernel (which I will be doing later 
today... 2.0.28 is out) is something like this (assuming that 
linux-2.0.28.tar.gz is already in /var/tmp, but it could be anywhere, 

tar xzvf linux-2.0.28.tar.gz
cd linux
cp /usr/src/linux/.config .
make-kpkg -revision custom.1.0 kernel_image kernel_source
cd ..
# rm -rf linux linux-2.0.28.tar.gz
dpkg --install kernel-image-2.0.28_custom.1.0_i386.deb
dpkg --install kernel-source-2.0.28_custom.1.0_i386.deb
dpkg --remove kernel-source-2.0.27_custom.1.0_i386.deb
dpkg --remove kernel-image-2.0.26_custom.1.0_i386.deb

and that's it.  My /etc/lilo.conf has entries for /vmlinux and 
/vmlinux.old, which are symbolic links that the post-install script for 
the kernel-image package maintain properly (and reruns lilo as well).  I 
keep one set of installed kernel sources and two installed kernel 
images.  All you need for this is to install the kernel-package package, 
and it should work.

Read the docs in /usr/doc/kernel-package for more information.

>   --Pete
> _______________________________________________________________
> Peter J. Templin, Jr.                   Client Services Analyst
> Computer & Communication Services       tel: (717) 524-1590
> Bucknell University                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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