On Fri, 17 Jan 1997, Jan Camenisch wrote:

> Hi,
> There might be a problem with the  execution 
> of the cron.daily, cron.weekly, and cron.monthly :
> An machines that don't run all day, these cron jobs  get 
> rarely executed. 
> For instance, I usually use my maschine only in the
> evenings at home (i.e. later than 6 pm). But all cron 
> get executed at 6pm. Therefore these cron task get never
> executed.
> How about a (cron) job, that executed every time the
> machine gets booted and that checks when the cron jobs
> were executed for the last time. If these for were not 
> executed for say two days (weeks, months) then they
> get executed regardless the actual hour, day, week of month.

I second this.

--- Jean Pierre

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