On 16 Jan 1997, Mathieu GUILLAUME wrote: > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > : Hi there, I have need for a web server to do one and only one > : thing, run a single CGI script. I've installed Apache on my system, and > : started to configure it when I though that Apache might be overkill. This > : server must be VERY secure as it is both my mail server and my RADIUS > : server. I linked ~www-data/index.html to /dev/null so that users cannot > : (hopefully) retrieve any documents, but I'm wondering if somebody has a > : better suggestion? > > What about just making a little program that listens on port 80 and > replies with your CGI when asked for something ? That would be a > solution, if you want anybody to be able to run this script. If you want > something more elaborate, just make this program a bit more elaborate > (something that replies only if queried a specified document, or a > password system). > I *think* it should work all right, but then I'm no specialist.
As an alternative, you might consider wn. It provides a very secure environment while being light-weight. There's an existing debian package and I'm developing an update. --- Jean Pierre -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]