> 1)        What is the best (easiest) way to get a PPP connection from my
> debian box to my isp via a modem?  Ideally I'd like for it to be like my
> Win95 box (stop throwing things!) and dial on demand when I need Internet,
> and redial if disconnected.  Is this possible?

Yes, just install the diald package.

> 2)      The software in /contrib that is not guaranteed, just how "unsafe"
> is it for use?  I'd really like to put on npasswd-boulder, for example, but
> the warning kinda makes me wonder about what might happen (all passwords get
> mailed to a newsgroup, etc..) :)  Maybe I'm just too paranoid, but I just
> have to ask.

Those packages, generally, are no less safe -- they're just not "officially" 
supported (often due to copyright and/or licensing restrictions).

John Goerzen          | Running Debian GNU/Linux (www.debian.org)
Custom Programming    | 

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