> We're running cron 3.0pl1-32 on a debian 1.1 installation.  Ocasionally
> cron dies which is rather annoying.
> I seem to remember a couple people posting that a different version of cron
> fixes this (Dylan's cron maybe?).
> I have just upgraded to the latest verion on the FTP site cron 3.0pl1-36.1
> and hopefully this will help.

I had problems with cron dying, but one of the new versions fixed it. I'm
using cron 3.0pl1-36.1 now, and cron hasn't died in months..

#!/usr/bin/perl -i\$q='$q',\$p='$p';eval\$q.\$\^I\n"#  #   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
$q='print"$p$^I\n',$p='#!/usr/bin/perl -i';eval$q.$^I  #          Joey Hess
               "true - do nothing, successfully" - - true (1)

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