On Fri, 10 Jan 1997 09:31:43 PST "Kevin Traas" ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 

> 1.  Why does diald drop my connection 30 seconds after establishing it,
> even though there are packets being sent across that would normally keep it
> alive.  (Note - I can do anything across the connection once established,
> but no matter what (ftp, telnet, etc.) diald still kills the connection.)

This is normal. Diald is an intelligent connection handler. It can 
enable different timeouts depending on the various kinds of packets 
which go through the link. I guess the ICMP ECHO packets are not 
maintaining the link. The default is 10minutes for standard TCP 
packets. Try a telnet, and the link should stay up for 10 minutes.
If you want to modify the different timeouts, I'd suggest to read the 
manpage carefully (thing you're likely not to have done :-).

> 2.  From the docs, I thought diald would establish the default route to the
> gateway automatically.  Am I wrong in my assumption?  If so, is what I did
> to "fix" the problem the "right" way to go about it?

Do you have a `defaultroute' command in your diald.options file ? Are the 
addresses of both sides of the link correct in this file too (`local' and 
`remote') ?


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