At 07:15 PM 1/5/97 -0600, Guy Maor wrote: >No, dselect's ftp method, dpkg-ftp, uses perl's Net::FTP to do ftp >(the protocol). It does not require ftp (the client). Use dselect to >get netstd and you'll have ftp (the client). ################# It may have gotten lost when the list went down last week, but I posted about the dselect pseudo-ftp not working either. So since I have no ftp binary, or way to get the netstd package, I am still out of luck. When I run dselect and attempt to connect this is what I get... > >Using FTP to check directories...(stop with ^C) > > > >Connecting to > >Net::FTP: Bad hostname '' at /usr/lib/perl5/Net/ > >line 405 > >FTP ERROR Someone from this list forwarded me this, and it is the EXACT same thing that happens to me. I tried it with that host, other hosts, etc.. no good. It bombs out just like that :( So, until I can find some 1.1 disks, or this gets fixed my server is still down...
Regards, Kendrick -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]