Hello, > My system (1.2, from Infomagic CDs) doesn't seem to have it. I have > the manual pages, but no such executable (either installed or listed > in the Contents file). Which specific package is it in?
I think there is a dependencie missing. Hmm.. no its not missing.. hmm.. some systems might not have VGA cards.. anyway.. its in the svga16 server package, since it will start up an vga server in the default vga mode which is supported on most systems without configuration. Therefore you will have a X Setup program toedit the XF86config file. For your questions I can't help much, dont have the time to figure it out, but have you looked in the Keyboard FAQ, yet? /usr/doc/kbd/kbd.FAQ.txt.gz and XF86Config(5x) together with the documentation for the applications which dont work correctly should help. And dont forget that console setup is completely different from X-kbd setup. Within X it differs from application to application. Probably you need to setup xterm correctly before shells and apllications within the shell will work. Greetings Bernd -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]