On Thu, 2 Jan 1997, Tasos Drosopoulos wrote:

> 3. OK now, request help for this: My preference in using Linux is doing
> most of my editing work on a console and only when I need graphics go to
> X-windows. So I prefer to use startx and not xdm. The XFree86 3.2 that
> comes with slackware works fine. However, with debian, the screen flashes
> once, X-windows seem to come up for a second and then promptly exit. 
> Obviously, I need to do some additional configuration. Something to do
> with the window managers perhaps? I would appreciate any pointers / 
> suggestions
> on this.

My guess is that the problem is with your X configuration, not the window
manager.  Take a look at /etc/X11/XF86Config and modify it to agree with
your previous Slackware version.

--- Jean Pierre

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