In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
James Martino  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I tried to install the new uucp, but it requires mailx, which I don't use.
>Why the change in dependencies since the last release, if it's just a
>recompile for ELF?

It's not just a recompile for ELF. It has some extra utilities in it,
and more documentation. Also every night from cron the UUCP queue and
the logfiles are cleaned up and a summary is mailed to root. For
mailing that summary, mailx is needed...

If people have problems with this, I guess I could fix the scripts
to generate headers on the mail messages and stuff them into sendmail

|  Miquel van Smoorenburg    | "Sticky tape is like the Force - it has a   |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  dark side, it has a light side, and it     |
| ----8<--------------8<---- |  holds the universe together" - Carl Zwanig |

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