> I am in the process of setting up my machine to run debian, > everything has been running reasonably well until now. I downloaded > the kernal-source-2.0.27_1.00.deb and attempted to compile a custom > kernal. I get most of the way through the make zImage phase and the > process stops with the following error message
Hi. I don't know about this, but i'm with problems in making the kernel I compiled to work. All the compilation and linking is ok. I've used the sequence: make menuconfig make dep make zImage make modules make modules_install that I think is correct. When it's done, I copy the 'vmlinux' file to '/', update '/etc/lilo.conf', and execute '/sbin/lilo'. All is ok, but when the system reboots, lilo begins an infinite loop: Lilo loading Linux Lilo loading Linux ... So, I press <SHIFT>, and make the system load the old kernel. What's wrong? It's some option that is necessary in kernel? I've tried other things to, like a 'make clear', or mark and unmark some options in menuconfig, but nothing works. Other thing: I don't have a PCI bus in my machine, so I've unmarked the PCI options in menuconfig, but in this case, there is some unreferenced links to some "...pci..." functions, and the kernel isn't linked. So, I've remarked the PCI options. The PCI functions are necessary for other options? If yes, which are? They can be unmarked securely? Thanks. Alexander Gieg =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= By: Alexander Gieg E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] URL: http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/3222 IRC: AlexG =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]