-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hi! Thanks Nic for your hints, I have two errors in my files one in IFS command and the other in the 'backup line' (I put the c flag after the second column)...
But now I'm trying to resend a filtered mail and all I get is this: - From crow Mon Dec 9 13:12:13 1996 Subject: [GEL] Test final Folder: /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -OAliasFile=/home/crow/.aliases 692 in my log file. The mail are lost (except for the backup I previously make) and there is the relevant line from my .procmailrc: :0 * ^Subject:.*\[GEL\] { :0fwh * !^X-Mailing-List: GEL | formail -u 'X-Mailing-List: GEL' -u 'Bcc: gel_list' :0A | $SENDMAIL -t -OAliasFile="/home/crow/.aliases" :0E: GEL } Exactly the same thing happens if I replace '| $SENDMAIL ' by a single '!' with the same option. Thanks again for your help. - --------------------------------------------------------------- "The ideal situation is to have real computing power close at hand - right at home. Something that dims streetlights and shrinks the picture on the neighbors TV when you crank it up." -- Unknown - --------------------------------------------------------------- Fabien Ninoles aka le Veneur || Running Debian-Linux [EMAIL PROTECTED] || Lover of MOO, mountains, http://www-edu.gel.usherb.ca/ninf01 || poetry and Freedom. - --------------------------------------------------------------- -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.3i Charset: noconv iQCVAwUBMqxZtlX6fc7jcjhFAQHPGwP7ByWvIz23GrMh6uZXpI9fMAnJYWxDqj7s 8sMbPCY/3vfqKepRl4jEKhoPpLNLeG6LpT9pDr1TVVJ/y5P4w3BLvbbTQzsqY1nI pbsG/dirIw3i+03TWqs8fUlch4WKjghs8iS7d8qEFmMWdzppbunNxJfVWXt4XZ9z vW8qpk1PAGg= =N7OY -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]